The Nahom Berhane Scholarship 2022 for Leadership and Inclusion recognizes youth who have a proven track record of volunteerism, community service, and leadership in the GTA. The Scholarship is redeemable at any level in post-
secondary institutions and can be used at any accredited institution (college, university, accredited trades schools, or
certificate programs).
Applicants must be enrolled in or in the process of applying to a Canadian college, university,
trades school, or other institution for the upcoming year on a full-time basis (as defined by the school).
Disbursement of the Scholarship will be paid directly to the institution to help reduce the cost of registration, to a
maximum of $3,000. Application is required. Find out more about the top 7 best European destinations for a road trip this summer
1) The applicant must meet the following criteria:
- Be sponsored by a Mentor who will write a letter of support and commit to supporting the applicant in their educational journey for at least
one year; - Be enrolled in or in the process of applying to a Canadian college, university, trades school, or other institution for the upcoming year on a full-time basis (as defined by the school);
- Have a signed MoU from the Mentor/ Mentor
organization committing to act as a mentor for the applicant for the duration of the Scholarship; - Be 30 years old or younger on December 31, 2022;
- Have lived in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area – see map) for at least two years;
- Be enrolled in a course of study leading to a first degree/diploma, license, and or certificate program. Those who have graduated from overseas programs are considered to have completed the first-degree diploma and thus do not qualify for this Scholarship;
- Have a proven track record of volunteerism, community service, and leadership in the community;
- Be Canadian citizens or have permanent residence status, or be in the process of obtaining permanent residency in Canada. (Applicants who have permission from IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Canada) that allows them to study at a post-secondary institution may apply. Proof of an application with IRCC will be required.)
2) Priority will be given to applicants who:
- Demonstrate financial need
- Are the youth of African Descent
- Are from single-parent families
- Are from newcomer families
- Are from first or second-generation immigrant families
- Applicants must comply with the Scholarship Policies and Procedures outlined in this document.
- Applicants are responsible for submitting their Scholarship application on or before the application
deadline set by the Scholarship Selection Committee. - Applicants must disclose any real or perceived conflict of interest. This could include family members or
relatives of Access Alliance MHCS Staff and/or Board members, and members of the Nahom Berhane
Scholarship Fund Steering Committee, Fundraising Committee, or Application Reviewing Committee.
2) Scholarship Recipient Selection
- Scholarship Recipients will be selected and informed by phone, e-mail, or mail by the Scholarship Selection
Committee on or before May 30, 2022.
3) Scholarship Announcement
- As a condition of the scholarship, recipients are expected to attend the official presentation of the Scholarship. Date to be confirmed.
4) Scholarship Recipient Responsibilities
- Scholarship recipients will have the value of their scholarship applied directly to their school fees prior to
the start of the academic year. Funds are conditional or contingent upon confirmation of enrolment in the
2022/23 academic year. If, after payment of registration fees, money from the scholarship remains, those
funds will be deferred to the following semester or the applicant can request that they be used to cover
books/material expenses. - Scholarship recipients are encouraged to submit a testimonial on how the scholarship has made an impact
on their education and personal journey. - Scholarship recipients are required to write one update message (500 words maximum) that addresses
their progress at the end of the semester/program. - Recipients may defer enrolment in an Approved School for up to one year, or they may interrupt their
studies for up to one year, on one occasion only. Reinstatement of the Scholarship will be conditional on
reacceptance at an Approved Institution. Recipients who fail to return to school after a one-year deferment
or who drop out of school/program will forfeit the remainder of the Scholarship. - Scholarship recipients, who are not accepted to a post-secondary institution, withdraw from studies or
drop classes may have their scholarship deferred or rescinded.
5) Terms and Conditions for Nahom Berhane Scholarship 2022:
- Access Alliance MHCS reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, amend or cancel the Nahom
Berhane Scholarship for Leadership and Inclusion (the “Scholarship”) at any time without notice, and to
decide all questions respecting the awarding of Scholarships, and the administration of the terms and
conditions of the Scholarship. - By submitting an Application, the Applicant authorizes Access Alliance MHCS, the Scholarship Review
Committees and their respective representatives to collect, use, store and confirm information about the
The applicant provided on the Application submitted (including references) to those who need to know such
information for the purposes of administering and promoting the Program. The Selection Committee will
use the information only for the purposes of evaluating the Application. - All Recipients will be required to sign a Declaration and Release which will entitle Access Alliance
MHCS to use the Recipient’s name, city, and the province of residence, and photograph, without further
compensation for any publicity carried out by Access Alliance MHCS with respect to the Program. - A Scholarship may be terminated at any time by Access Alliance MHCS, upon the occurrence of any
behavior on the part of the Recipient that Access Alliance MHCS, in its sole discretion, deems
inappropriate, including but not limited to any misconduct in the workplace that may result in termination
“for cause”. - All Recipients must inform themselves as to the tax consequences of receiving the Scholarship.
6) Deadline and Instructions for Nahom Berhane Scholarship 2022
- All applications and supporting documents must be received no later than March 31, 2022, by 5 pm,
through our online submission form. No applications will be accepted after the deadline.
Application Forms and Required Supporting Documents:
- Click the “Electronic Application Form“ to apply now:
- Mentorship Sponsorship Letter & Agreement (Appendix A)
- Budget template (Appendix B)
For more scholarships all over the world, you can click the “All types of scholarships in the world“ to check out other scholarships in other countries to apply.