2Track.pro Musicians Community & Collaborate with Other Artists

2Track.pro Musicians Community & Collaborate with Other Artists. The 2 track will enable you to collaborate with your favorite artists once you join the musicians community.
What you should be more concern is how to join 2 Track pro musicians community.
In this article we are going to guide you based on how to collaborate with other artists from around the world and share your work.

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Join the community and create a new version of HEY’s song „GDZIE JESTEŚ, GDZIE JESTEM and stand a chance to win Maschine MK3 and records collection.
To apply for the MK3 & records collection, click on the “Go To Contest Page” and take part.


However, As a musician/producer you should be able to create your own version of music from 2Track pro.
Download the instrumental track and create your own vison of vocals after you sing.
2 best reworks will be digitally released by the Kayax.

All work will not go in fain rather, you will stand a chance to win the newest Maschine MK3, a digital release of your rework, 3 albums of Hey and half year subscription to TIDAL.


How To Create 2Track.pro Musicians Community & Collaborate with Other Artists

To be part in this contest, you have to download a track you want to work with and make your own music or sing using your favorite DAW Software.
NOTE: The sound track you want to work with must be an MP3 file max 10 MB and must be orginal track.
Don’t forget that your track need to have the same starting point with the original downloaded track.
When you are done, add your work to the contest portal (Page) by clickng the “Click To Add Your Track” under the selected track from the page.

So at this point, you need to create 2Track.pro sign up account or Login if you have an account already and follow the steps.


2Track.pro Musicians Community & Collaborate with Other Artists

  1. Go to www.2Track.pro
  2. When the site open, click on the Contests on the top of the page
  3. To explore listen to collaboration created by 2track users, make use of the search bar.
  4. Use the musicians track name or Username and search for it.
  5. Make sure you create account before you can upload your track.

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