The Work and Development Permit scheme (WDP) scheme is a new initiative to provide vulnerable and disadvantaged people with a non-financial option to address their fine debt. A WDP allows an eligible person to work off their fine debt by participating in certain activities and treatment. The WDP scheme commenced on 1 July 2022.
A person must undertake a WDP under the supervision of a sponsor. A sponsor is an organization or a health practitioner accredited by the Director, Fines Victoria to support the WDP scheme.
An organization or a health practitioner may apply to become a WDP sponsor to assist their clients to deal with their fine debt and to encourage engagement with services. If an eligible person is already engaged with an organisation or a health practitioner that is not yet a WDP sponsor, the organization or health practitioner can contact the WDP Team to get information about becoming a sponsor (see details below). Easy way to get a permit to work in the U.S – US work permit
Only a sponsor may apply for a WDP on behalf of an eligible person.
To participate in the WDP scheme a person must be engaged with a sponsor and must:
- have a mental or intellectual disability, disorder, or illness
- have an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or a volatile substance
- be experiencing homelessness
- be experiencing acute financial hardship, or
- be the victim of family violence.
What activities are required?
The types of activities that a person can undertake as part of a WDP include:
- unpaid work
- treatment is given by a doctor, nurse or psychologist
- courses, including educational, vocational or life skills courses
- counselling, including financial or other types of counselling
- drug and alcohol counselling, and
- mentoring (for a person under 25 years of age).
When applying for a WDP, a sponsor will help a person to choose the activities that are best suited to their needs.
An eligible person can undertake a WDP to reduce or work off their infringement fine debt. There are some circumstances in which a fine cannot be included in a WDP, for example, if:
- a person has been served a seven-day notice in relation to the fine and the seven day notice period has expired
- the person has been arrested
- property has been seized in relation to the fine, or
- the fine is a court fine.
While a person is undertaking a WDP, enforcement activity is suspended in relation to the fines that are subject to the WDP.
The Work and Development Permit scheme (WDP) scheme provides vulnerable and disadvantaged people with a non-financial option to address their fine debt. If eligible, you can reduce your fine debt by participating in certain activities and treatment under the supervision of an accredited sponsor.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for a Work and Development Permit (WDP) you will have, or be experiencing, one of the following:
- a mental or intellectual disability, disorder or illness
- an addiction to drugs, alcohol or a volatile substance
- homelessness
- family violence
- acute financial hardship.
You will need to provide details to support your eligibility.
How can I participate in the WDP Scheme?
To participate in a WDP you must be engaged with an accredited sponsor and participate in activities and/or treatment as required by your sponsor.
If you are already engaged with an organisation or health practitioner, you can ask them if they are interested in becoming accredited as a WDP sponsor. They can contact us to find out more.
If you are not currently engaged with an organisation or health practitioner, you can contact us to discuss your options. You will need to provide details to support your eligibility for the scheme. Referrals to sponsors may be possible but cannot be guaranteed, as they are subject to a number of factors including the availability of sponsors and the eligibility of the individual.
To find out more about the Work and Development Permit scheme, email or call 1300 323 483 between 9 am and 4 pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).