Where and How to Apply For Germany Visa 2022 – EU Immigration

Apply for Germany visa 2022 – This application is for the non-EU citizen who is ready to work as a highly-skilled employee in Germany. There is much information to find in the Germany immigration conditions portal. Check the EU immigration fulfill and procedures here, as well as the right you can enjoy during your stay in Germany.

Quickly let us tell you how to work in Germany as a highly qualified worker, you must first obtain a visa to move into Germany.


You do not need a visa if you are from Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, or the USA.

Once in Germany, you must obtain a residence/settlement permit allowing you to work.

Residence permit for qualified experts during their job search (Sec 18c ResA)

A qualified expert can apply for a residence permit for a job search for a maximum duration of 6 months. The highly qualified expert has been awarded a university degree. If the university degree was not awarded in Germany, it must either be recognized or equivalent to a German university degree
Residence permit for qualified experts during their job search (Sec 18c ResA)

A qualified expert can apply for a residence permit for a job search for a maximum duration of 6 months. The highly qualified expert has been awarded a university degree. If the university degree was not awarded in Germany, it must either be recognized or equivalent to a German university degree.

Settlement Permit for highly-qualified workers (Sec 19 ResA)

Highly-qualified workers include:

  • Scientists with special knowledge;
  • University teachers or assistants with executive functions.

Blue Card (Sec 19a ResA)

Migrants with a completed university degree can apply for a Blue Card EU. If the university degree was not awarded in Germany, it must either be recognized or equivalent to a German university degree. The applicants must present an employment contract / a binding employment offer with a specified minimum salary. This salary stands at two-thirds of the annual contribution assessment ceiling for general old-age pension insurance (Beitragsbemessungsgrenze Zur Rentenversicherung). For occupations that face a labor shortage, the limit stands at 52% of the total amount.

Procedures to Apply For Germany Visa 2022

Firstly, you need to know where and how to apply for the Garmany visa before you can provide other things. Find out below where and how to apply for the visa.

  • You must apply for a visa at the embassy or
  • consulate in your country of origin or
  • permanent residence. The rules of the
  • Residence Act governing the issue of
  • settlement permits are applicable.

Residence permit/Settlement permit

Once in German territory, you can apply for a residence permit or – in case of Sec 19 ResA – a settlement permit. The permit is granted by your local Foreigners Authority.

Documents required

What you  must provide:

  1. a valid passport;
  2. health insurance;
  3. sufficient financial resources;
  4. accommodation;

employment contract/offer of employment [not for a Residence permit for qualified experts during their job search (Sec 18c ResA)].


Duration of validity of permits

The residence permit for qualified experts during their job search (Sec 18c ResA) is granted for a maximum duration of 6 months.

Settlement permits for the purpose of employment as a highly qualified worker (Sec 19 ResA) are granted for an indefinite period of time.

The Blue Card EU (Sec 19a ResA) will initially be issued for a maximum of 4 years, or for a shorter period for brief employment contracts. Any change of employment requires approval during the first two years.
A national settlement permit will be issued after 33 months of employment at the earliest, subject to payment of contributions to the pension fund during this period, knowledge of German, and a number of other conditions.
If a certain, higher, level of language skills (level B1) can be proven, the term will be shortened to 21 months.



  • Decisions related to residence permits or settlement permits can be challenged before the local administrative courts.
  • Decisions related to visa refusals can be examined by the administrative court in Berlin. The local court is only competent if you are already in Germany

Time required to process a visa application

As a rule, missions require between two and ten working days to decide on an application for a short-stay visa. Applications for visas entitling the holder to a longer stay or to take up gainful employment may take several months to process.

During the peak travel season, there may be a waiting period for making an application to a German mission. Persons requiring a visa to enter Germany should therefore submit their applications in good time.

Procedure to Apply For Germany Visa 2022

As a rule, applicants must submit visa applications, together with all necessary documents, in person at the German mission responsible for their place of residence. In order to avoid time‑consuming requests for additional information or documentation, applicants should consult the website of the respective mission well in advance of their departure date to find out about the visa procedure and about the documentation which has to be submitted.


Visa application forms can be obtained from the mission free of charge (in the local language). Applicants may also download the forms at the bottom of this page. The forms submitted must be original versions in the appropriate language of the mission in question. Application forms may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the competent mission.

Germany Visa fees

Since 2020 the fee for Schengen visas has been EUR 80, to be paid upon submission of the application.
The fee for national visas has been increased to EUR 75 since1st of September 2017. However, both the Visa Code (Schengen visas) and the Ordinance Governing Residence (national visas) provide for fee reductions or waivers in certain cases.

Fee waivers

Visa fees are waived by all Schengen states for the following categories of persons, regardless of their nationality:

  • Children under six years
  • School pupils, undergraduates, postgraduates, and accompanying teaching staff who undertake trips for the purpose of study or training
    Representatives of non-profit organizations aged 25 years or less participating in seminars, conferences, sports, cultural or educational events organized by non-profit organizations
  • Researchers from third countries traveling within the European Community for the purpose of carrying out scientific research as defined in Recommendation 2005/761/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 September 2005
  • For the “replacement” of an old, valid visa in a “full” travel document (one that has no empty pages) with a new visa valid for the same period in the applicant’s new travel document

For more information visit the Germany Visa regulations official website here

